PDC4S:\2015\Igor Ledochowski - How To Practice Hypnosis Without Fear_\Videos (1)\DVD 3 - Somatic Trances, Suggestion Experiments & How To Put It All Together

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NameSizeDate Modified
1. Demo - Sessions 3-4 - Somatic Trances.mp4113,977 KB3/18/2014 7:21 PM
2. Breakdown - Sessions 3-4.mp484,874 KB3/18/2014 7:21 PM
3. Demo - Sessions 5-6 - Suggestion Experiments.mp475,747 KB3/18/2014 7:21 PM
4. Breakdown - Sessions 5-6.mp418,232 KB3/18/2014 7:21 PM
5. Practice Without Fear & Conclusion.mp433,403 KB3/18/2014 7:21 PM